Participants become familiar with philanthropy-related terms and a variety of philanthropy in the past. We consider the impact of people who contribute in large and small ways to the health of the community.

Participants analyze the essential qualities of the Core Democratic Values and how these values are evident in relationships and behavior in a classroom/group and in the community/nation.

In this lesson, we analyze the Bill of Rights and explore the importance of the issues involved. We participate in a creative performance, singing and dancing to learn and teach the Bill of Rights. The performance may be planned for members of the community (younger children or senior citizens).

In a kid-friendly approach, we look at the components of the U.S. Constitution and put early government-forming events in a context. We distinguish the roles of the three branches of government, especially the structure and responsibilities of our judicial system. 

Participants identify the attributes of a hero who is acting for the common good. Mother Teresa is a hero for her philanthropic work and character. 

Jackie Robinson is a baseball player whose perseverance and strength changed racist attitudes and laws. Participants reflect on Mr. Robinson's actions and make connections to personal actions and to the people they admire today. 
