The learners organize a clean-up event in a defined area that needs work. They may use garden tools, collect garbage, or clean up dirty or graffiti areas.
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Unit: Earth Keepers
Unit: What Is a Youth Advisory Committee?
Using provided evaluation or reflection forms, share details about the service and its impact. A demonstration to an interested audience is a great way to show details of the need and service and celebrate relationships and impact.
Unit: Hands On Philanthropy: A High School Course at Kentucky Country Day School
To develop a basic understanding about the role of philanthropy in the history of the United States
To introduce students to the financial side of operating a nonprofit organization and to the financial reporting they are required to do for the IRS.
Unit: Living in a Community: Intro. to Philanthropy
The children learn that even young people can be philanthropists. Philanthropy is giving time, talent, treasure for the good of the community.
Unit: Living In a Community
Children learn that the community has four sectors: business, government, nonprofit, and family. The children may walk through an area in their local community to identify which sector is represented by different places. As an alternative, they may look at a local map.
Unit: Character Education: Courage (Grade 6)
The learners choose a person of courage to honor on a commemorative "postage stamp."
Unit: Character Education: Honesty (Grade 8)
Learners reflect on issues that people tend to avoid facing because they are difficult situations. They write an honest reflection on issues they can take action to address.
Unit: Poetry of Giving
The students will use their knowledge of philanthropy and poetic conventions to write original poetry about philanthropic giving.
Unit: Power to the People through Action
Participants cite philanthropic historical events on a timeline. They focus on events in which the nonprofit sector was used to make positive changes in society.