Written by Nora Dietz-Kilen
Written by Nora Dietz-Kilen
This lesson introduces the "Living History Project." We begin with sensitivity training, as a pre-service reflection and to help volunteers understand possible needs, disabilities, and attitudes of people with whom they will be working. The training leads children to understand...
This lesson teaches how to journal about their own experiences and feelings. It is intended to be taught in conjunction with a project of civic engagement or service. The project provides content and a context for journaling about personal experience.
Youth learn about the work of African American inventors who had a positive influence on society by contributing scientific innovation for the common good.
Rosa Parks’s acts of philanthropy brought a community of people together for the common good and resulted in major social change in her community and in the nation. Young people identify the relationship between individual rights, justice, equality, and community responsibility.
Through discussion of the book The Seven Chinese Brothers, learners recognize that using our talents and working together to help others has benefits greater than the opportunity cost (what we gave up to take generous action).
The youth read the book Seedfolks and discuss the diverse characters and their individual contributions to a community garden. While learning about the thirteen individuals in the story, they identify their character, heritage, motivations, and contributions to nourishing...
Looking around the room, we may see many skin colors and tones. These differences occur all over the world. In this lesson we use the terminology of race and ethnicity and look at data to identify the makeup of our community or state. Young people may take action to promote representation of the...
Through the voices of an immigrant and refugee, youth gain empathy and understanding of the experience of leaving your home for a new place.
In this activity, participants use critical thinking to deconstruct an issue they care about. They identify a problem, explore the root causes and effects, and research who the experts are. This is a great way to build community, use creative expression, and come up with different approaches to collaboratively make a difference.