April Events and Resources

April: Humans and the Environment

In the month of April, our focus is on the environment. Earth Day is a reminder of the importance of being good stewards of the Earth to sustain the environment and to enjoy the gifts of nature. In addition, it is a month to raise awareness about neuro diversity and the ways to love people for exactly who they are. 

  • Autism Awareness Month - Through literature and discussion, we build awareness of the talents and contributions of people who are differently abled.
  • Earth Day (April 22): Since 1970, Earth Day has been educating people about the issues our planet faces. Teach environmental stewardship and gratitude for the gifts of nature. TeachOne lesson and do a simple service project and reflection.
  • Global Youth Service Day: Join the largest service event in the world that mobilizes millions of youth to improve their communities through service. http://gysd.org/ 

Humans and the Environment

Lime Green

Humans and the Environment

Being outside, caring for plants and animals, and conserving natural resources are often a young person’s first experience with environmental stewardship. Young people looking to a sustainable future may learn about the wonders of nature, aging water pipes, environmental contamination, plastics in the ocean, overuse of natural resources, and air pollution. This toolkit shares resources to learn, connect, and take action now as environmental stewards to assure a sustainable future in harmony with the gifts of nature. 

Recycling Lesson Plans

Bright Blue

Recycling Lesson Plans

In preparation for Earth Day, teach lessons about recycling, reducing, and reusing. Click the "Lessons" link below and then filter the search results for your grade level and subject area. These multi-disciplinary lessons help students understand issues and ways people take action to make a difference for the good of all. 

View this toolkit of lesson plans, project ideas, and background information related to the environment. 

Neuro and Physical Diversity

Dark Gray

Neuro and Physical Diversity

Every person has individual traits that make them unique and who they are. Society is enriched when it embraces our differences as gifts and characteristics to understand and respect. Awareness can change attitudes, laws, and opportunities. This toolkit provides information, activities, and service-learning project ideas related to inclusion for people of different levels and abilities.