Our Classroom or Group
  1. Strand PHIL.I Definitions of Philanthropy
    1. Standard DP 02. Roles of Government, Business, and Philanthropy
      1. Benchmark E.3 Identify ways that trust is important in all communities.
  2. Strand PHIL.II Philanthropy and Civil Society
    1. Standard PCS 03. Philanthropy and Economics
      1. Benchmark E.7 Define and describe private property and common resources.

Young people play with other children, showing that trust, collaboration, and thinking of the good of all are part of fun group activities.

PrintOne Thirty-Minute Session
  • identify why trust is important to a community
  • explain what is meant by a common resource
  • a parachute large enough to have all of the young people participate
  • soft balls to bounce on the top
  • All Are Welcome Here literature guide - this book illustrates a variety of children in a school setting
  1. Anticipatory Set:

    Have a box in the front of the room with the parachute hidden inside. Tell the children that the "something" in the box is NOT yours, it's not theirs, it is something that is a "common resource" in the classroom. Define "common." Ask the children to name some items that the whole class can use together that would be fun. Listen to lots of ideas. When you reveal the parachute, suggest some of their ideas can be saved for later fun and sharing.

  2. Give a couple rules/guidelines and ask the children to stand around the parachute and pick it up together. Give cooperative directions: Lift high in the sky. Go as low as you can go. Lift high and bring the parachute around your head and behind you and sit down inside together…count to see how long it will stay in the air. Hold the parachute at waist height, add the balls, and play popcorn. Allow the children to take turns directing the actions for the group.

  3. Predict and test different movements with fewer people. What would happen if one child let go without anybody knowing? Test what would happen if four people let go while the parachute is in the air. Would the parachute go up as high if there are only a small number of people lifting?

  4. Sit down and talk about trust and responsibility for common good:

    1. Why do we need to trust each other and trust that the whole team will do their part? What creates trust?
    2. We must each take personal responsibility for the common good so people know they can count on us. Trusting and taking personal responsibility help us do better together. What does it mean to do your part for the good of all? 
    3. Sometimes we don't feel like playing the game everyone else wants to play. Discuss things to do and say when we feel that way. Sometimes we put our own wishes aside and join in anyway; sometimes we step out and watch; and sometimes we ask the team to make a change. Discuss how and when to make those choices. 
    4. What are some things we can do to feel like a group?
    5. Name other games that we play as a group that require trust and working together for the good of all.
  5. Talk about what it would look like if  everyone had the common good in mind (honesty, helping one another, following directions, looking out for some body else, not playing tricks on each other).

    Each person may write or dictate a statement of their intention for the good of all.