Blue Sky Envisioning Activity

Grade Level: 
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Introduction to Philanthropy
Needs Assessment
Problem Solving
Social/Cultural Issues
Let's explore and connect with ourselves and others by envisioning our community ten years from now. Select a meaningful issue that you deeply care about and visualize it being resolved. Afterward, let's engage in a conversation about the initial actions we can take to turn our vision into reality. Together, we can shape a brighter future!

Blue Sky is a fun and creative activity. It is all about imagining a better future and making a positive impact on the world. During Blue Sky, we focus on two important things: getting to know ourselves better (self awareness) and understanding the people around us (social awareness). Then we talk about how we can take action.

Here is how it works: We imagine a world ten years from now where a problem we care about is completely solved. It could be anything that's important to you, like protecting the environment, ending poverty, or promoting justice. We let our imaginations soar and dream big!

Blue Sky helps us develop positive thinking, empathy, and compassion. It's a chance to express ourselves and share what truly matters to us. And you know what's really cool? It also teaches us how to turn negative situations into positive actions. We learn that even when faced with challenges, young people have the power to make a difference and create a better world.

So get ready to dream, imagine, and make a positive impact with Blue Sky! Let's explore our passions, learn about ourselves, and work together to create a brighter future.


  • printed copies of the Blue Sky Activity Worksheet here or below. Or make copies of this Google slideshow.
  • pens, colored pencils, crayons, markers, or collage materials (if using the printed worksheet)
  • definition of community: A group of people living in the same area or under the same government; a group having common interests and goals and who work together


  1. Watch a video of young people imagining a better world. Here are some choices:
  1. Define community (see above) and identify what community the group members are going to focus on, such as the classroom, club, school, local community, or state. Alternatively, the focus may be on a place, issue, or event for the visioning.
  2. The purpose of the next activity is to dream about a perfect world (or community) and explore how everyone can work together to make it happen.

Envisioning Session:

  1. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, focus on your selected community, and imagine a perfect world. Recall the issues raised in the videos such as the environment, children's rights, education, justice, and equality.
  2. Each person has either a printed copy of the Blue Sky Activity Worksheet or access to the Google Slideshow.
  3. While illustrating a Blue Sky vision, reflect on these questions: What does this ideal world look like? How do people treat each other? How is nature protected? How are problems solved?

Sharing and Discussion:

  1. After the envisioning session, participants share their ideas and visions with the group. 
  2. Ask one another follow-up questions to delve deeper into their ideas. 
  3. Imagine it is ten years in the future and these Blue Sky visions have become a reality. Talk in the past tense about what was done to get there.

Action Planning:

  1. Transition the focus to practical steps for turning visions into reality. Consider the following question: What actions can we take to bring our vision of a perfect world closer to reality?
  2. Think about both small-scale actions to take in our everyday lives and larger-scale actions that involve community or collective efforts. Focus on steps youth can take right now including meeting with nonprofits, volunteering, changing habits, collecting resources to help others, and being an advocate.
  3. Each person can commit to at least one specific action to take toward making their vision a reality.
  4. Share these ideas on social media. Take pictures of each person with their visions and name the first steps they will take together. Share progress on social media to celebrate what you're doing and join with others who have similar Blue Sky visions. @LearningtoGive


  • Find Learning to Give resources to learn more. Use search terms related to your issue or community resources. 
  • Combine the Blue Sky illustrations into a large collage or “quilt.” The collage may remain on display for an extended time, so it may be used for future service-learning planning or as a celebration or evaluation of how we are doing on the identified issues.

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