PCS 02.
Diverse Cultures

This lesson will teach learners G-d’s appreciation for trees and the importance of planting and preserving trees for our future. The learners will identify these concepts in Biblical verses, Talmudic passages and modern Jewish associations. They will also develop an understand of and an appreciation for the importance of tree planting for the State of Israel today.

This lesson will teach the basic Biblical laws of Tza’ar Ba’alei Chaim (the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) the rationale that supports these laws, and practical applications of these laws in today’s world. The learner will participate in a class project aimed to assist community programs that aid abandoned and stray animals. 

This lesson provides learners with a deeper understanding of the concept of giving tzedakah utilizing primary source materials to identify the manner in which the commandment is to be performed. Learners are then asked to identify behavioral guidelines from the values expressed in the texts. An optional component asks learners to plan and perform a tzedakah project in keeping with the values studied.

It is obvious that our bodies require proper nutrition. It is less obvious that our souls and imaginations require sustenance as well. This lesson is intended as nutrition for the spirit. It is intended to demonstrate ways that people utilize their time, their talent and their treasure to improve the lives of others. These endeavors, often voluntary, are ones that fulfill the precept of loving one’s neighbor by providing for them what it is that we wish for ourselves.

Our lives are the results of billions of decisions. Not only the big decisions – law school or skydiving classes, but the small decisions as well – do you greet someone or pass by? Do you extend a helping hand or the back of it? What we decide determines the course of lives, the content of our character and the condition of our world. In this lesson we look at texts that speak to how we use our personal power in this world and then find and record opportunities to act on the learning.

Our tradition of caring and sharing for one another has its roots in the creation of humanity b’tzelem elohim, (in the Divine image). That concept is explained in concrete terms by Maimonides (Rabbi Moses ben Maimon) and helps form an ethical imperative that sanctifies our everyday behavior. This lesson enables the learners to develop an understanding of tolerance that is based in the universal concept that all of humanity shares a Divine origin.
