Partner Projects

Partner Projects

With a shared vision for teaching young people about opportunities for making a difference, these partners work with Learning to Give to create resources for classrooms. Read about Learning to Give's vision and mission here.

The Fetzer Institute

In collaboration with the Fetzer Institute, Learning to Give created resources to teach generosity through global folktales and fables. The Generosity of Spirit teaching resources include access to global stories, high school lesson plans, and a reflection guide that may be used with teens and adults. This rich resource is an asset to any classroom. 

The Giving Square

 The Giving Square recognizes children as leaders for a new model of philanthropy, one grounded in our natural empathetic connections to the experiences and needs of others. They give children tools, permission, and support to make a positive impact on our families, schools, and communities, now and throughout their lives. View our collaborative discussion guides for The Giving Square podcast Kids Are Philanthropists, Too. 


Join millions of young people in a global movement for good when our world needs it the most. GivingTuesdaySpark is all about encouraging young people to take action around the causes they care about most on GivingTuesday and every day. GivingTuesdaySpark has ideas for a variety of ways to give, including links to Learning to Give, and a platform to share good work for one of the biggest giving days of the year. 

The Johnson Center for Philanthropy

What is a servant leader? The Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy hosts the Our State of Generosity Teaching Resources, which includes three lessons for middle school and three lessons for high school, plus several activities that center on project-based themes of leadership, careers, and philanthropy. The Johnson Center for Philanthropy is an academic center that focuses on the practice and theory of philanthropy and the nonprofit sector in general. 

Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University

The Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy increases the understanding of philanthropy and improves its practice worldwide through critical inquiry, interdisciplinary research, teaching, training, and civic engagement. Learning to Give's White Papers are written and edited by students in the graduate program. This History of U.S. Philanthropy timeline is a project of Learning to Give in collaboration with Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and the Council of Michigan Foundations.


International Partners

Dominos Philanthropy Academy

 Dominos Philanthropy Academy is a Shanghai-based social enterprise that aims to grow lifelong givers and learners through educational programs. As a youth philanthropy pioneer in China, Dominos offers a range of programs to the youth of diverse backgrounds, from introductory workshops to in-depth youth grantmaking programs.

Learning to Give Bulgaria

In partnership with Learning to Give, the Bulgarian Donors Forum established in 2016 a sister website in Bulgaria. This group is introducing philanthropy education in pilot schools in year one through their website. 

Dia de Doar (Brazil)

In Brazil, the organization Umbigo do Mundo published a resource, Dia de Doar, to teach youth to give. The organization began with participation in GivingTuesdsay for kids and grew to host a full website based around themes of generosity and community engagement. Many of the resources are translated (with permission) from the Learning to Give website.

The Beautiful Foundation (South Korea)

The Beautiful Foundation is a nonprofit organization led by the voluntary participation of citizens in sharing. It was established in August, 2000, with the purpose of spreading a mature philanthropic culture and supporting neighbors in community and public-benefit activities. 

Partnership Opportunities

If you would like to learn more about partnership with Learning to Give, contact Betsy Peterson, Director of Learning to Give. Partnership Policy.



Learning to Give staff is dedicated to maintaining resources that guide parents, educators, youth groups, and the community to learn the traits of generosity, service, civic action, and change.

Learning to Give has a growth mindset. Our passion is working together in community for the good of all. These organizations and resources share our values and vision for a better world together.