Through analyzing a Ted Talk by Robin Wall Kimmerer, participants develop their understanding of what it means to respond with gratitude to the gifts from the Earth. Participants expand their awareness of the interdependent relationship between humans and nature. Kimmerer motivates and...
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Unit: Humans and Nature Flourishing Together
Unit: Hands On Philanthropy: A High School Course at Kentucky Country Day School
To learn about the different philosophies of three renowned philanthropists.
Image source: John D. Rockefeller in 1885. From Wikimedia Commons. Original source: Rockefeller Archive Center.
Unit: Our Constitutional Connection
Three amendments to the Constitution extended voting rights to more citizens. Look at the language of these amendments and the effectiveness of everyone actually getting the vote. Youth discuss the purpose of voting, and they take action to make a difference, such as by making ...
Unit: Food for Thought: Hunger around the World
Depictions of hunger in excerpts from Jane Eyre and Oliver Twist provide concrete images of hunger as learners determine its causes and decide whether to support a change in U.S. public policy related to the issue.
Unit: Generosity of Spirit Folktales
Sometimes it is wise to follow the advice of others and at other times it will only bring disaster. This lesson examines stories from South Africa, Morocco, and Nigeria and character traits valued in those cultures.
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
To learn about challenges that nonprofits face when fundraising for their organization and spending money on programs.
Unit: The Power of Children
Students form groups, sign group agreements, delegate tasks, and begin forming their service-learing project proposal. The teacher provides mini-lessons to individuals, as needed, who bring information back to groups on presentation skills, budgeting, and service-learning...
Unit: Health Challenges "Kids Are Philanthropists, Too!" Podcast
In this episode of the Kids Are Philanthropists too! podcast, we learn about the work and atmosphere at a children's hospital. We talk with medical professionals who treat children with serious illnesses.
Our host is Amy Neugebauer with 11-12-year-old co-hosts...
Unit: Making our Voices Heard for the Community
Raise awareness of the importance of freedom of speech and the opportunity to voice one's opinion without fear of reprisal, as principles basic to a democracy. The learners investigate ways to have a positive influence in encouraging eligible voters to make their voices heard at the polls during...
Unit: Refugees: Finding a Place
The participants will distinguish the difference between wants and needs and learn that many times refugees are without basic needs. They respond to a story about a refugee camp, “Four Feet, Two Sandals” and come to a consensus on a service project to benefit refugees or others in need, and plan...