by Corey Watt
by Corey Watt
An Indian (Buddhist) Tale: The Buddha-to-be, born as a quail, instructs his flock how to escape the hunter’s nets by working together. He then encourages them to move deeper into the forest in order to practice cooperation. Some of the quail refuse to leave, and as a result of their arguing, they are caught by the hunter and perish.
Open the door to your local early childhood care center and find out how organizations that care for young children make your community a better place. An early childhood learning center is led by professional educators who understand how children learn and thrive for optimal development. Every community benefits from good quality early childhood development, which can occur in childcare facilities or in the child's home. Learn about this organization and how you can help.
What is a famine and what are its effects? Students read and write an "interior monologue" response.