
Continuing the Tradition
  1. Strand PHIL.II Philanthropy and Civil Society
    1. Standard PCS 01. Self, citizenship, and society
      1. Benchmark E.5 Identify one local citizen who has helped the community through giving and/or service.

Students are to think about all of the contributions of Charles Hackley and describe how important they are to us today. They will realize that philanthropy did not stop with Charles Hackley and that they need to continue the tradition.

PrintOne to Two Sixty-Minute Class Periods

The learner will:

  • identify the need for philanthropists in our community.
  • explain the importance of carrying on the philanthropic tradition.
  • describe ways of personally carrying on the tradition of philanthropy.
  1. Anticipatory Set: Have a number of students come to the front of the room and share their journal entries and pictures from the previous lesson. (What would Muskegon look like without the contributions of Charles Hackley?) Throughout the readings the children should come to the conclusion that Muskegon would not be as great a place as it is today if it were not for the contributions of philanthropists like Charles Hackley.

  2. Hold a classroom discussion highlighting the following topics:

    • Where would Muskegon be without Charles Hackley?
    • What do you think would have happened to Muskegon if there had been no other philanthropists since Hackley's death?
    • Can you think of any philanthropists or philanthropic acts taking place in Muskegon (or our school) now?
  3. Steer the class toward the realization that it takes lots of people doing many jobs and volunteering their time, talent and treasure to make a community great.

  4. Have the students get out their journals and answer the following question: How can you as third grade citizens of Muskegon help carry on the tradition of philanthropy set by Charles Hackley and others?

  5. Use this as a direct segue into an academic service learning project. The project could be based around the theme "communities" and getting involved with a non-profit. It could also be doing projects for the school community, fixing up the front of the school by planting flowers and cleaning the area, etc. Collecting and reading the student journal entries may produce good suggestions. You may use School Needs Survey (Handout One) and/or Community Needs Survey Handout Two to assess student interests. Discuss what philanthropic activity will culminate this unit. Develop the plan and carry out the activity.


Here is a suggested scoring rubric for the journal article:

Scoring Rubric

4 points Lists one community need and a way they could help the community meet that need.

3 points Lists only something they could do but does not identify a community need.

2 points Lists only a community need but does not give a way they could help.

1 point Answer is illegible or does not make sense.

0 points No answer

As an alternative assessment about philanthropy, learners may write a journal article defining philanthropy, giving examples of Charles Hackley's philanthropy as related to the three Ts, and evaluating how the quality of life in a community is enhanced through the philanthropy of all its citizens.