
Heroes with Heart
  1. Strand PHIL.I Definitions of Philanthropy
    1. Standard DP 01. Define Philanthropy
      1. Benchmark MS.4 Give examples of how individuals have helped others.
  2. Strand PHIL.II Philanthropy and Civil Society
    1. Standard PCS 02. Diverse Cultures
      1. Benchmark MS.5 Discuss examples of groups denied their rights in history.

Students will become aware of women and minority figures who have made a difference in a civil society.

PrintTwo to Three Forty-Five Minute Class Periods

The learner will:

  • explain how women and minority figures worked for the common good of their community.
  • "Who Did It?" Instructions (Handout One) Spanish version (Handout Three)
  • Game Questions (Handout Two)

See Web-site information in Attachment One: "Who Did It?" Instructions.

  1. Anticipatory Set: Play "Hero" by Mariah Carey for the class. Ask students to write a reflection interpretation of the song. Discuss the responses.


  2. Explain that in the previous classes students thought and wrote about their heroes. History is filled with persons whose deeds turned them into heroes who have been remembered for what they accomplished. As a class students will be researching some of these people. In order to fully appreciate them as heroes, students should consider three things: how they acted for the common good, how they showed civic virtue, and how they contributed to civil society. Review the meaning of the following terms:

    • common good (the wealth shared by the whole group of people)
    • civic virtue (morality, goodness or uprightness exhibited by good citizens)
    • civil society (a set of intermediate associations which are neither the state nor the extended family; civil society therefore includes voluntary associations and firms and other corporate bodies)
  3. Divide students into groups and give each team "Who Did It?" Instructions (Attachment One) on which to gather information. Give students one or two class periods during which to research the list of names using each of the Internet sites provided. (If your students do not have access to the Internet you may want to download and run copies of the websites.) Have them look for the following information:

    • How did these people act for the common good?
    • How did they show civic virtue?
    • How did they contribute to a civil society?
  4. Once teams have had ample time to complete their research you can play the game "Who Did It?"

  5. Getting Started: Make cards from Game Questions (Attachment Two). When creating the cards, put the question on the front and the name of the historical figure on the back. Organize the classroom into teams.

  6. Procedure:

    • Starting with Team #1, have one student draw a card from the pile. If they are able to give the name of the historical figure and their cause without consulting with their teammates, they earn 2 points for each of those correct answers (a possible 4 points per card).
    • If they say "group," every team in the room has a chance to discuss the question and look for an answer in their research. After about one minute, go back to the team who was given the question (Team 1 in this case) and give them a chance to answer.
    • If they are able to answer the question, they earn 1 point for their team. (After going to "group" that specific question is only worth 1 point.)
    • If they are unable to answer, give Team 2 a chance to answer the question.
    • Continue going to each group until you have received an acceptable answer or until each group has had the opportunity to answer.
    • Note: Some cards contain a bonus question in which groups can earn extra points. Each correct answer for a bonus question may earn an additional 2 points for that team.
    • Once you are finished with that question, start the procedure again giving Team 2 a chance at a 2-point question.
  7. Special instructions: If no team gets the answer correctly, you may choose to read the correct answer and then place it back into the pile. If the question has been answered correctly, remove it from the pile.

  8. Explain to the students ahead of time that when addressing the team after they have gone to group, you may choose to ask the same student or you may randomly choose another student on the team so that every student knows they may be accountable for the answer. Hopefully this will guarantee a better effort by all students during "group" discussion.


Student notes from research may be assessed.