
Sensitivity, Tolerance and Philanthropy—The Three Amigos!
  1. Strand PHIL.II Philanthropy and Civil Society
    1. Standard PCS 01. Self, citizenship, and society
      1. Benchmark HS.4 Describe and give examples of characteristics of someone who helps others.

The purpose of this lesson is to explore prejudices and to find ways that philanthropy can promote tolerance and sensitivity toward others.

PrintOne to Two Fifty-Minute Class Periods

The learner will demonstrate how prejudice, such as ageism, racism, gender bias, or discrimination, can be reduced through philanthropy.

  • Role Playing Scenarios (Attachment One)
  • Overhead/white board/chalk board

Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York: Warner Books, 1960.

  1. Anticipatory Set:

    Have the students respond to the question: Do all people have prejudices? Why or why not? Make sure the students are prepared to discuss their thoughts on this question. You should post the question on the board or overhead. Lead a class discussion of prejudice allowing students to review the class definition of prejudice from Lesson Two: What is Sensitivity?

  2. Guide students to look at their definition of prejudice. (A sample definition could be disliking something based on thoughts, opinions, perceptions or beliefs.) Discuss the fact that all people hold prejudices. This we cannot hide. Thus we need to become open to the ideas, looks, actions, and beliefs of others in order to effectively communicate and work together as a productive society.

    • Divide the class into six groups. Assign each group a topic matching those in Role Playing Scenarios (Attachment One). Each of these topics directly relates to a character in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Give each group a scenario involving the topic (prejudice) and character assigned. Tell the groups to come up with a role-playing activity in which the members of the group will act out a way that a philanthropic act could help the person involved overcome the prejudices people hold toward him or her.
    • Allow the groups to present their role-playing activities to the class.
    • Upon completion, the class will write one sentence to each group to give the members constructive feedback on their activity.
    • When all groups have completed their sentences, lead a class discussion on sensitivity, tolerance and philanthropy and how they can work together to be our greatest asset in today's world as well as the setting of the novel in the 1930's.

Teacher observation of group work and feedback sentences.