
  1. Strand PHIL.IV Volunteering and Service
    1. Standard VS 03. Providing Service
      1. Benchmark HS.2 Describe the goals of the project and their impact.
    2. Standard VS 05. Integrating the Service Experience into Learning
      1. Benchmark HS.2 Evaluate progress on the service-learning project before, during, and after the project.

Students will make a multi-media presentation in a clear, meaningful way that educates peers, educators, parents, and community members about the issue and non-profit organization that they studied and their philanthropic work which addressed that problem.

PrintThree to Five Forty-Five Minute Class Periods

The learner will:

  • Prepare and critique multi-media presentations.
  • By viewing and critiquing the presentations of their peers, recognize other issues and become critical viewers.
  • Presentation Guidelines (Handout One)Spanish version (Handout Three)
  • Presentation Rubric (Handout Two)
  1. Anticipatory Set:Ask students if they see a value in sharing what they learned from their volunteer experience with others. Ask them to discuss for a few minutes who needs to hear about their new knowledge and why they feel this way.

  2. Ask students to reunite their teams from the previous lessons. Announce to the class that the information they learned in this unit will be shared with the community in a symposium. Explain that a “symposium” is a formal gathering at which several specialists deliver short addresses on a topic or on related topics. For this event, they will be the “experts.”

    • Let students brainstorm ideas on what they should consider doing to make their presentations interesting, informative and appealing enough to attract an audience. From those ideas, form the “rubric” which will guide all presentations. Examples might include:
      • The presentation must be between ten and fifteen minutes in length.
      • All members of the team must participate in some way, either by speaking, designing a visual to be used in the presentation, etc.
      • There must be a visual aid (pictures, brochures, etc.) used in some way in the presentation.
    • Distribute Presentation Guidelines (see Attachment One). Go over the content requirements for the presentation. Answer any questions that arise.
    • Allow students to work in their teams to prepare their presentations.
    • NOTE: If it hasn’t already been done, arrange with the principal, parent organization or other community group, to present a symposium on the volunteer experience of the students.
    • Allow all students to make presentations at the symposium. If there are too many team presentations to fit the allotted time schedule, arrange to have several presentations at the same time in different rooms or in different areas of a large room.

Use Presentation Rubrics (see Attachment Two) to evaluate student presentations.