Talking Heads
  1. Strand PHIL.II Philanthropy and Civil Society
    1. Standard PCS 01. Self, citizenship, and society
      1. Benchmark MS.4 Describe the characteristics of someone who helps others.
    2. Standard PCS 02. Diverse Cultures
      1. Benchmark MS.2 Describe the importance of hearing all voices in a community and respecting their right to be heard.
      2. Benchmark MS.3 Give an example of how philanthropy can transcend cultures.
  2. Strand PHIL.III Philanthropy and the Individual
    1. Standard PI 01. Reasons for Individual Philanthropy
      1. Benchmark MS.3 Identify and give examples of stewardship in cultural traditions around the world.
      2. Benchmark MS.4 Identify and describe the actions of how citizens act for the common good.
      3. Benchmark MS.5 Describe the responsibility students have to act in the civil society sector to improve the common good.

As a reflection exercise on perseverance, learners illustrate a conversation about perseverance between two people.

PrintOne 20-minute Class Period

The learner will:

  • illustrate an imaginary conversation about two views of perseverance.
  1. Anticipatory Set

    Write the word perseverance on a chart. Draw a T-chart below it. Together, fill in the T-chart with words that describe perseverance on one side and words that describe the opposite of perseverance on the other side.

  2. Sketch a cartoon face of a man on the board. Write the following quote in a speech bubble coming from his mouth: "It is the excitement of becoming - always becoming, trying, probing, falling, resting, and trying again - but always trying and always gaining."

  3. This a quote from Lyndon B. Johnson. Review the role of President Johnson in Texas and as President of the United States.

  4. Using the quote as a starting point, the learners sketch a "talking heads" conversation between two people, preferably people of differing points of view. They sketch just the heads and speech bubbles of the two people. The conversation should include the Johnson quote and provide an imaginary conversation that illustrates the meaning and possible (not actual) context. The conversation should indicate an understanding of perseverance. The talking heads should have at least three speech bubbles each. 

  5. After they complete their "talking heads" cartoons, have them set their papers out and move around the room reading each other's imagined conversations.