The Great Adventure
  1. Strand PHIL.I Definitions of Philanthropy
    1. Standard DP 02. Roles of Government, Business, and Philanthropy
      1. Benchmark MS.4 Compare and contrast the roles of business, government, civil society sector, and family.
      2. Benchmark MS.6 Identify significant contributions to society that come from the civil society sector.
    2. Standard DP 03. Names and Types of Organizations within the Civil Society Sector
      1. Benchmark MS.1 Recognize terms that describe the civil society sector.
    3. Standard DP 04. Operational Characteristics of Nonprofit Organizations
      1. Benchmark MS.2 Describe the basic structure of a civil society organization.
      2. Benchmark MS.3 Describe how a specific civil society organization in the community operates.
  2. Strand PHIL.II Philanthropy and Civil Society
    1. Standard PCS 04. Philanthropy and Geography
      1. Benchmark MS.1 Locate and map civil society organizations in the community.
  3. Strand PHIL.III Philanthropy and the Individual
    1. Standard PI 02. Careers In The Nonprofit Sector
      1. Benchmark MS.1 Identify and explain how career options in the civil-society sector contribute to the community.
  4. Strand PHIL.IV Volunteering and Service
    1. Standard VS 01. Needs Assessment
      1. Benchmark MS.1 Identify a need in the school, local community, state, nation, or world.

The identification of the services provided by for-profit, nonprofit and governmental organizations and the drawing of community map that not only identifies the various services provided by these community organizations but also maps areas of need in the community form the intent of this lesson.

PrintThree 50 minute class periods which includes the field trip

The learner will:

  • differentiate between nonprofit, for profit, and governmental organizations.
  • map areas of need and non-profit organizations in the community.
  • describe how community services are providedby nonprofit organizations.
  • Copies ofthe community's street map
  • Video recorder/digital camera

For additional related Units and Lesson see also


  1. Anticipatory Set:

    Ask the learners to share what they would do if they were truly in need of something. Ask them if they think everyone would approach 'gettingtheir needs met' in the same way. Ask them if they sometimes don't express their need, but hope that someone will recognize it and do something about it. Challenge them to share how someone might knowwhen there is a need if it is something that is not always visible or expressed, such as hunger. Tell them that today they will be taking a field trip to the local organization that yesterday's speaker represented, but that a few things need to be discussed before actually going there.

  2. Using the completed Student Survey on Philanthropy found inLesson One (Attachment One),generate a list on the board which summarizes the information.Discuss the results.

  3. Review vocabulary wordsfromthe previous lesson, emphasizing the difference between for profit organizations, nonprofit organizations, andgovernment organizations.

  4. Explain that the class will be visiting the guest speaker's organization.Ask the learners if they have ever visited or volunteered at that organization or a similar one. As a prelude to the visit, ask the learners thefollowing questions aboutthey think theycan expect during their visit:

    • What type of people will they meet?
    • How will the place look?
    • Will there be many clients/employees there?
    • Is this a place whereone might like to work in the future?
  5. Inform thelearners that they will be given a map of the route tocompletewhile walking or riding the bus to the organization's site. On the map they are tomark areas they see that might be in need of some attention, as well as any organizations they might see along the way.The objective is to map the community for needs and identify at least five organizations that may or may not be in a position to meet these needs. To help expedite this process, devisemap symbols for the learners to use. (NOTE:It is recommended that thenonprofit organization being visited be informed of the planned arrival time and that photographs be taken ofstudent interactions while walking to or riding the bus and while touring the nonprofit organization.)

  6. Visit the site and remind the learners to be alerttothe wayservices are provided.

  7. Upon returning to the classroom, list on the display board student responses to the prompt:"What areas of need did you observe today?" "What organizations where you able to identify?" (NOTE: Keep both of these lists on display boardfor use in the next lesson.)

  8. Reflect uponthe questionsdiscussed prior to the trip. Ask students for additional comments on their visit.

  9. Collect the learners' maps.


Assessment: Classroom discussion, attentiveness to the objectives of the field trip, and reflection The completion and accuracy ofthe communitymaps