Turned Away: How Does It Feel?
  1. Strand PHIL.I Definitions of Philanthropy
    1. Standard DP 01. Define Philanthropy
      1. Benchmark E.1 Define philanthropy as the giving and sharing of time, talent, or treasure intended for the common good.
  2. Strand PHIL.III Philanthropy and the Individual
    1. Standard PI 01. Reasons for Individual Philanthropy
      1. Benchmark E.1 Describe one reason why a person might give or volunteer.

Participants will view a video about a girl named Carly who is a refugee forced to leave her home. They will discuss the problems Carly faces in her journey to find a safe place to live, draw inferences as to why Carly had to flee from her home, discuss in what ways the groups Carly met showed a lack of acceptance, and recall how Carly was treated by the groups she met while searching for safety.

PrintOne 55-Minute Session

The learner will:

  • describe a refugee’s feelings of loneliness, isolation and rejection.
  • define philanthropy and cite examples from the Carly video.
  • summarize what it means to be a refugee.
  • UNHCR Video "Carly
  • Who Does Carly Meet? handout below
  • Sticky Notes
  1. Anticipatory Set:

    Distribute a copy of the handout below, Who Does Carly Meet? Tell them as they watch the video "Carlythey will focus on the different groups Carly encounters. As they encounter each group, stop the video and discuss: How did they treat Carly? Why do they turn Carly away?

  2. Discuss:

    • How did Carly feel after being turned away from each of the groups?
    • How could the groups have behaved differently?
    • Who finally offers to help Carly? Why?
  3. When Carly asked Mr. Friendly "Who are you?" and he responded, "Mr. Friendly." Carly said, "Oh, Is that what people are called who are kind to others?" Explain that a person who is kind to others by giving their time, talent, or treasure (possessions or money) is called a philanthropist.

    What acts of philanthropy did Mr. Friendly do for Carly? (He shared his cheese sandwich, noticed she looked hungry and tired, offered a place to rest that was dry and warm, and invited her to stay.)

  4. Like Carly, refugees face isolation when they move from their homes to a new place. Define isolation. Tell the children that they will be looking at the UNHCR Lego poster "How does it Feel?" to help them understand "isolation."

    Brainstorm adjectives that may describe how a refugee feels (when looking at the Lego poster). Discuss challenges refugees experience when fleeing to places that are unfamiliar.

  5. Show the video: Kids, Refugees, Questions: “What is it like to have no home?”

    For older groups, who can read the subtitles, play without stopping and discuss any questions/observations at the conclusion of the video. For younger groups, pause the video to read the subtitles, and discuss questions/observations during those intervals.

  6. Reflect:

    • Summarize what it means to be a refugee.
    • How would children want to be treated if they were Carly or another refugee?
    • If a refugee arrived in your neighborhood or school, how would you treat the newcomer to help them feel less isolated and more welcome?