Visualizing Health and Safety
  1. Strand PHIL.I Definitions of Philanthropy
    1. Standard DP 01. Define Philanthropy
      1. Benchmark E.1 Define philanthropy as the giving and sharing of time, talent, or treasure intended for the common good.
      2. Benchmark E.3 Recognize that citizens have a responsibility for the common good as defined by democratic principles.
    2. Standard DP 02. Roles of Government, Business, and Philanthropy
      1. Benchmark E.2 Explain the difference between wants and needs.

Together we define philanthropy and identify health and safety issues we encounter in the community. The group creates a visual display showing issues of health and safety that are important to them.

PrintOne 45-Minute Session

The learner will:

  • define philanthropy as the giving and sharing of time, talent, or treasure intended for the common good.
  • recognize that citizens have a responsibility for the common good.
  • explain the difference between wants and needs.
  • create and share a visual aid to be used throughout the unit.
  • give examples of health and safety issues that are important in their community.
  • display of vocabulary words (these can be written on a board or in a virtual setting)
  • a method of collecting each participant's response, either with an exit ticket or using a virtual tool
  • materials or online tool for creating a whole image out of contribution from several groups or individuals; this may be a quilt or virtual collage

"What Is Philanthropy?" video. Learning to Give

  1. Anticipatory Set:

    Introduce or review the word philanthropy, which means "giving time, talent and treasure for the common good." Show the short video "What is Philanthropy?" After viewing, together come to an explanation and examples of what a philanthropist is in more familiar words.

    Say "In this unit, you are going to be philanthropists who give time and talent for the health and safety of people in your own comminity." Review the vocabulary words. 

  2. Encourage the group to discuss and expand their ideas of what it means to be safe and healthy by listing ways to feel safe, places and conditions that feel safe, and different types of good health. 

    The interests of the group may lead them to do a little online research to get a list of ways to be safe or healthy or resources (nonprofit organizations) in the community that are concerned with protecting health and safety. 

  3. Discuss and debate whether good health and safety are things we need in our community or things we want. Discuss why a healthy and safe community is a better place for each person and the common good. You may discuss who is responsible for the health and safety of people in the community, country, and world. 

  4. It may be the stated goal of caregivers and community leaders that everyone is healthy and safe, but that still doesn't always happen. Brainstorm together a list of reasons that people might not be healthy or safe. 

    Propose that there may be ways we can share our time, talent, and treasure to help people feel safer and healthier in our community. 

  5. Assign the participants into breakout groups of 3-4 and give them a topic. They may be grouped by their interest in one of the topics brainstormed earlier or these suggested issues:

    1. Equity vs Discrimination or bullying
    2. Disease or Illness
    3. Nutrition and access to healthy food
    4. Exercise, sports, and physical fitness
    5. Environmental hazards or threats to safety
    6. Bicycle or car safety

    In their groups they discuss causes of the issue, effects, and envision a world with that issue fixed. They use drawings and descriptions to tell about their vision or ideas. These may be on paper or a virtual tool that can be share with the other groups.

    They may start to talk about things that can be done to make the issue better, by leaders, community members, or themselves as volunteers. 

  6. Come back together and let each group share their thoughts and their image/words. Display all the groups' work.

    Each participant fills out an exit card (or use an online tool to collect their thoughts) with the issue they believe is the most important to address and why. 


Participants fill out an "exit card" to write about which health or safety issue is the most important to them and why. Faciltator uses these to assess understanding and determine next steps.