
World Hunger
  1. Strand PHIL.I Definitions of Philanthropy
    1. Standard DP 01. Define Philanthropy
      1. Benchmark E.1 Define philanthropy as the giving and sharing of time, talent, or treasure intended for the common good.
    2. Standard DP 02. Roles of Government, Business, and Philanthropy
      1. Benchmark E.1 Give examples of needs met by government, business, civil society, and family.
    3. Standard DP 05. Role of Foundations
      1. Benchmark E.3 Name a corporation or business that has contributed money for the common good.
  2. Strand PHIL.II Philanthropy and Civil Society
    1. Standard PCS 03. Philanthropy and Economics
      1. Benchmark E.13 Describe limited resources and scarcity.
      2. Benchmark E.4 Give an example of how a civil-society organization can impact a community's economy.
      3. Benchmark E.5 Recognize the wise use of resources as <i>stewardship</i>.
  3. Strand PHIL.III Philanthropy and the Individual
    1. Standard PI 01. Reasons for Individual Philanthropy
      1. Benchmark E.4 Give an example of how citizens act for the common good.

To raise awareness of the needs of others who are unable to provide a balanced nutritious diet for their own families. Also to introduce the Heifer Project, which provides families with resources and education so they can have nutritious food and earn a living within their own communities.

PrintSixty Minutes or Two Thirty-Minute Class Periods

The learners will:

  • respond to Beatrice’s Goat.
  • compare and contrast characters.
  • list ways he/she can conserve resources (make choices) in the face of scarcity.
  • create a poster advertising the benefits of Heifer International’s project.

Teacher Note: You will need to order in advance a leader’s guide from Heifer International. The guide arrives in 7-10 days and includes a book, video and complete instructions and materials for the “Read-to-Feed” program. Call 1-800-422-0474 or go to Heifer International’s Website <www.readtofeed.org>.

  • Beatrice’s Goat by Page McBrier (see Bibliographical References).
  • The Promise (a video explaining how the Heifer Project International works.)
  • 12” x 18” white drawing paper for every 2-3 students
  • Crayons, markers or other art media
  • Feeding Minds, Fighting Hunger < http://www.feedingminds.org/>  
  • Heifer International: Giving Programs < http://www.heifer.org/site/c.edJRKQNiFiG/b.204586/> 
  • McBrier, Page. Beatrice’s Goat. New York: Atheneum books for Young Readers, 2001. ISBN: 0689824602
  • Read to Feed Program< http://www.readtofeed.org/> 
  • The Hunger Site < http://www.thehungersite.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/CTDSites>
  1. Anticipatory Set: Explain that you are going to read a true story about a girl named Beatrice who not only didn’t get three nutritious meals every day, but also did not have money to go to school. Read the story BEATRICE’S GOAT. Stop periodically as you read to ask how Beatrice is like them and different from them. (Find Uganda, where Beatrice lives, on the world map.)

  2. Tell the children that an organization named Heifer International gave Beatrice’s family the goat. Heifer International uses money that is donated by philanthropists (people who give time, talent or treasure in order to promote the common good).

  3. Contrast the two previous lessons on making healthy food choices with the concept that many people in the world do not have the choice of what to eat because they may not have food available at all.

  4. Show the video, “The Promise.” This video shows how Heifer International has helped improve the lives of two families—one of which is Beatrice’s—by giving them an animal and providing training for a year so that they can learn how to take care of the animal in their environment.

  5. After showing the video, have the students reflect on how the children in the video were similar and how they were different from each other. Tell the students to draw one difference and one likeness. Have students share their drawings with the other students and discuss what they drew.

  6. Ask students to explain how the families in the video changed their lives. What farming techniques did they learn and what did they do differently? Define stewardship as the wise use of resources. Discuss how the families that receive the animals are stewards.

  7. Introduce the economic concepts of scarcity (the lack of a commodity, such as money, food, education, housing, etc.) and opportunity cost (making a choice that eliminates another choice). Relate the concepts to personal issues: have the students list ways that they can conserve limited resources, such as not running the water too long or riding bikes instead of getting a car ride.

  8. Ask students to propose why Heifer International would work with the families for a year when they give the animals. (They want the families to be successful and they need to know how to care for the animals.) How would this project help the families to have a more balanced diet?

  9. Divide your class into groups of two or three students and give each group a sheet of 12” x 18” white drawing paper. Tell the groups to create a poster for the Heifer International Project. The poster will be an “advertisement” showing the nutritional, economic and environmental benefits to the families. Tell students to label their drawings with details about the project. Have groups present their posters to the class and then display them in the classroom or hallway.


Students work in groups to create an advertisement that shows the benefits of the Heifer Project. Grade the poster project according to the rubric chart below. 4 Two pictures that illustrate and demonstrate an understanding of the nutritional and environmental benefits and two sentences or phrases that demonstrate an understanding of the nutritional and environmental benefits that the Heifer Project provides. 3 Two pictures and one sentence or phrase; or two sentences/phrases and one picture 2 Two pictures and no sentences; or two sentences and no picture 1 One picture or one sentence 0 Pictures and/or sentences were not connected with the terms. Student cannot complete the task independently or shows little understanding of the concepts or skills