Philanthropy Definition Interviews

Youth Activity: Young people watch a video of people telling what they think "philanthropy" means. Then they conduct their own interviews to gather information about the understanding of the concept of philanthropy. 

“If I asked you what the word, “philanthropy” means to you, what would you say? “Philanthropy — isn’t that the study of big fishes?” or “Beats me!”

Print60 minutes

Youth will 

  • discover what others think about the word “philanthropy.”
  • list the words and actions that people associate with the word.
  • practice interview skills. 

YouTube video "What Is Philanthropy?"


Home Connection: 

Replicate this activity in another setting. It would increase the participant's understanding and encourage others to begin discussing philanthropy.

  1. Tell the youth that they are going to have fun being reporters who ask people on the street what the the word philanthropy means. Ask them what they think people will say in response?

  2. View this video "What Is Philanthropy?"


  3. Prepare with guidelines to go to a public area where they will meet a variety of people, like a downtown area or in a supermarket. Be sure to ask permission and avoid places that have a no-solicitation policy. Give them 20 minutes to ask their questions of different willing people. The goal is to record the responses of three people each.

    Safety First!

    If the facilitator does not wish to have the participants out and about on the street, the activity could be conducted within the organization, school, or faith-based institution. It might be better to designate groups so the same people are not approached. Phone interviews are another option to consider.

    If the “on the street” version is used, have participants stay in groups of 2 or 3 in a designated area. Explain that they are to approach people by introducing themselves (first name only) and their organization, school, or faith-based group. Remind them that the people have permission to “Pass.”

  4. Share the following definitions of philanthropy in writing (on the board or on paper). Have the students circle any words that they heard in their interview answers. 

    • The giving of one’s time, talent, or treasure for the sake of another or for the common good
    • A tradition, a spirit, and a sector of society
    • Voluntary giving, voluntary service, and voluntary association, primarily, for the benefit of others
    • A desire to help mankind as indicated by acts of charity, etc. love of mankind
    • Thoughtful, intentional, and ongoing giving of your time, talent, and treasure for the common good: developing Habits of Giving and Serving
  5. Have the young people share the responses they got in their interviews and compare what they heard to the definitions above or the responses on the video. 

    • Discuss whether people on the street have an accurate or informed understanding. 
    • Discuss how people learn about philanthropy. Ask, "should philanthropy be taught in school so more people understand it?" 
  1. What did you discover about the general public and the word “philanthropy”?
  2. Before today, what has been your experience with the word?
  3. What is your definition of philanthropy?