Being in Touch with Your Feelings

This lesson helps students become more aware of their own values and sense of self by describing themselves and their choices. 

Print50 minutes
Home Connection: 

Complete the second page of the handout as homework: "If I Could Choose to Be..."

  1. With students sitting in a circle, introduce the "I Feel . . ." worksheet, explaining that there are no right or wrong answers, only honest answers. 

  2. Students complete "I Feel" handout (15 to 20 minutes). 

  3. In groups of 3 to 4 people, students discuss their responses. Which feelings were hardest to describe? Why?

    The group members compile the results of their responses, and then share a summary with the entire group.

  • Each person has a unique identity and has values.
  • Understanding one's own identity and values (self-knowledge) helps develop self-respect and build character.
  • Talking with other people about their feelings and values is a way of getting to know them.