DP 02.
Roles of Government, Business, and Philanthropy

In this lesson the learners will be introduced to some of the individuals/Heroes whose acts of tikun olam provide important models. Having developed a better understanding of tikun olam based upon Sefer Yetzirah and other classical and modern sources on the topic of how the work of tikun olam is to be performed, Lesson Three adds to the scaffolding necessary for learners to create their own mitzvah project/”service plan” for world repair. 

We are introduced to The Group of Seven, a group of artists whose intent was to establish a national identity, a sense of pride and an original style for Canada, inspired by the environment. This was a philanthropic endeavor for the common good of all. Participants create similar landscapes of their local community to inspire environmental stewardship.

The learners view works of art that advocate for social change and find that art can influence social change. The learners select an issue of human rights and create a work of art that represents the issue. They write a paragraph of explanation about their work.

Rosa Parks’s acts of philanthropy brought a community of people together for the common good and resulted in major social change in her community and in the nation. Young people identify the relationship between individual rights, justice, equality, and community responsibility.

Artists contribute to the common good by sharing their talents. The nonprofit sector supports artists with funding, museums, and attention or education. We learn how artists' work is supported by philanthropy and nonproft organizations that assure we have access to art. Young people may create art in the form of poetry or a picture to brighten someone's day.

Young people learn about the contributions made by Benjamin Franklin to the common good. They categorize his accomplishments in the nonprofit, business, and government sectors. They select a quote from Franklin that they would like to apply to their own lives.
