DP 02.
Roles of Government, Business, and Philanthropy

Learners discuss the fair use of copyrighted music. They explore how downloading music and movies affects the artists and producers who created the pieces. Learners write a statement of fair use.

Learners recognize that we all have biases, but we aren't always aware of them, which can create an unfair situation. Since people have different experiences, we all develop different biases. 

This lesson explores opposing perspectives on fairness issues and whether fairness is based on fact or context. Students compare and contrast different perspectives on two fairness issues - one global and one personal. They reflect on when fairness is a matter to advocate for through citizen action.

Learners reflect on issues that people tend to avoid facing because they are difficult situations. They write an honest reflection on issues they can take action to address.

Learners read and reflect on the meaning of democracy. They discuss and explore examples of participatory democracy in history. They read quotes from Founding Fathers and relate them to philanthropy and civic engagement.

In this lesson, learners read primary documents that illustrate the motivations of the founding fathers of the United States related to philanthropy (government by the people, advocacy, civil rights, shared power). We have a long history of demanding civil rights for a population that was discriminated against or underserved.
