DP 02.
Roles of Government, Business, and Philanthropy

The youth take action by determining ways to reduce their own use of plastic bags and by advocating for ways to reduce the use of plastic bags in their own households, the community, state and nation.  To take further action, they may propose ways to influence government officials to change laws so plastic bags are banned, taxed, or not given out for free.

Children participate in a trash clean-up and analyze the issue of pollution caused by trash, especially plastics. They discuss who should be responsible for preventing or cleaning up pollution - government, business, charitable organizations, and/or individuals.

A cooperative game demonstrates that we are all connected and that others are affected by things that we may believe only affect us. They read about and discuss gender inequality in global schools and explore what policies and measures are in place for achieving universal primary education for kids all over the world.

Students view primary documents to explore public policy on service. They make meaning of the government role and citizen responsibility in civic action. They make a personal plan of service based on their available time, talent, and treasure.

Young people discuss the need for and examples of nonviolent conflict resolution. They promote the idea of taking action for change by organizing a rally for nonviolence. 

Children get inspiration from a story about kindness and community, and they identify acts of service and kindness (philanthropy) they can do for people they care about.

Children listen to and respond to stories about the value of a home and the difficulties of not having a home. They make painted rocks or other comfort items and give them to a friend or donate them to a local shelter.
