This secondary lesson explains what the U.S. Census is and why it is important for everyone. Every ten years, we count everyone who is living in the U.S., from babies to the oldest people. This gives our government a clear idea of who is using services and where we have growth or decrease in...
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Unit: Why Do We Have a Census?
Unit: Teaching Tolerance (Private-Religious)
Through discussion of the book The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss, we learn about tolerance and the value of diversity in community.
Unit: Mighty Pens: Writers for Positive Change
This lesson guides learners as they inform a public audience about philanthropic acts that enhance the common good. The learners write newspaper articles that describe acts of service and volunteerism in their community.
Through persuasive writing, young people build awareness and invite action for change about an issue. Typical writing forms may include essays, editorials, feature articles, or speeches.
Unit: Voting and the Common Good (10th Grade)
Learners examine the statistics of voter turnout in the Federal Elections and from these statistics the learners draw some comparative conclusions.
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
To show students that everyone is part of the big picture and that the skills needed to take care of a small community of individuals are similar to those needed to care for a larger community.
This activity can be done at different times...
Unit: Advise and Consent
Participants will survey members of the community (school or local area) to determine a need, write proposals to satisfy the need, consider doing an optional one-day fundraiser to help fill that need, serve on a board of directors or a youth advisory...
Unit: Sacred Giving (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
This lesson provides learners with a deeper understanding of the concept of giving tzedakah utilizing primary source materials to identify the manner in which the commandment is to be performed. Learners are then asked to identify behavioral guidelines from the values...
Performance of the mitzvah of tzedakah is, ideally, a holistic part of life, not an activity to be performed when all others have been completed! This lesson offers a classic model of how that ideal was realized by one of our Sages, Rabbi Tanchum, and how our families might...
Unit: Power to the People through Action
Participants research leaders who used the nonprofit sector as an alternative power structure to make positive changes in society. They will identify the Core Democratic Values that each leader focused on.