Students identify key events in U.S. history and the magnitude of the Constitution in context, with a particular emphasis on philanthropy. This lesson is designed for Citizenship/Constitution Day (September 17) and connects students to the historical significance of the...
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Unit: Constitution Day
Unit: Philanthropy at Home and Abroad
Students read an old quote about the interconnection of all life on the planet and recognize that we are each affected by what happens to others and the environment. They will analyze current local, state, national and international issues addressed in the evening news. They become...
Unit: Community Clean-Up
Students learn about the goals of Earth Day and identify areas in town that need clean-up or planting. They plan a day of service.
Teach this one-period lesson plan and follow it with a simple and powerful service project ...
Unit: Power to the People through Action
Participants research leaders who used the nonprofit sector as an alternative power structure to make positive changes in society. They will identify the Core Democratic Values that each leader focused on.
Unit: We ARE the Government
In this lesson, learners read primary documents that illustrate the motivations of the founding fathers of the United States related to philanthropy (government by the people, advocacy, civil rights, shared power). We have a long history of demanding civil rights for a population that was...
Unit: Challenging Social Boundaries
Through two readings, we learn about racist attitudes and practices in the transportation systems that were supported by Jim Crow laws in the 1940s South. When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, it was a final stand after years of injustice and continuous acts of protest. We learn how her...
Unit: Project on Poverty and Homelessness at Sea Crest School
Students explore the causes and impacts of hunger, and how hunger differs depending on location.
Unit: Opening Our Hearts and Hands to Others (Tzedakah)
In this lesson, the students are empowered to explore charities related to their own interests and make an impact of their own. Students research different charitable organizations and choose one to represent in a creative way at a tzedakah fair. The students invite family and community...
Unit: Resolving Conflict with Respect
In civil society, different people come together to form community. While differences may cause conflict, for the sake of the common good, we practice empathy and respect for others. We use literature to talk about how people from different perspectives see the same thing. We discuss how to...
Unit: Be the Change: Personal Health
Learners review healthy eating habits and share their learning to promote a healthier community.