Students learn how poverty and hunger are related.
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Unit: Project on Poverty and Homelessness at Sea Crest School
Unit: Hands On Philanthropy: A High School Course at Kentucky Country Day School
To develop a basic understanding about the role of philanthropy in the history of the United States
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (6-8)
Students examine their personal healthy habits and their school (and neighborhood) environments to collect information about nutrition and fitness in the community. Students consider what changes they can make to the school or...
Unit: Be the Change: Personal Health
Learners review healthy eating habits and share their learning to promote a healthier community.
Unit: Philanthropy in Literature
Students will define philanthropy as "sharing or giving time, talent or treasure for the common good."
Unit: Common Good in Aztec Culture
We learn about the ancient Aztec culture in Mexico.
From books and research, young people read about the Aztec Empire practice of human sacrifice, which was seen as a gift to help the community. Discuss the concept of sacrifice for the common good and debate individual rights and community responsibility when taking action for the common good....
Unit: Sacred Giving (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
Learners will develop an understanding of the differences between the secular concepts of charity and philanthropy and the Jewish concept of tzedakah.
Students write to pen pals in a different community and discuss ideas related to a service project. For example, the pen pals may plan and monitor a canned-good donation project.
Unit: Character Education: Respect (Grade 6)
A Dr. Seuss story tells about two groups of characters who have no self-respect or respect for others. They analyze the effects of lack of respect and identify ways to demonstrate respect in real-life situations.