Students organize and implement a school-based recycling plan based on research and interests of the group.
This adaptable one-period lesson plan includes a simple and powerful service project for Earth Day. The ...
Students organize and implement a school-based recycling plan based on research and interests of the group.
This adaptable one-period lesson plan includes a simple and powerful service project for Earth Day. The ...
Students organize and implement a school-based recycling plan based on a one-day lunchroom waste audit.
Adapt this one-period lesson plan for your grade level and follow it with a simple and powerful service project for Earth...
This secondary lesson explains what the U.S. Census is and why it is important for everyone. Every ten years, we count everyone who is living in the U.S., from babies to the oldest people. This gives our government a clear idea of who is using services and where we have growth or decrease in...
This lesson explains what the Census is and why it is important for everyone. Every ten years, we count everyone who is living in the U.S., from babies to the oldest people. This gives our government a clear idea of who lives where and regions where we have growth or decrease in population...
Every day, we make choices about what to eat based on our health and what we like and can afford. As global citizens who care about the good of all, we can also be aware of making food choices based on our impact on an interconnected system.
Conflict happens in many situations and knowing the proper means to communicate and resolve issues can mitigate many problems. This lesson helps youth evaluate the roots of conflicts and methods on how to resolve conflict with respect.
With similar motivations to present-day refugees, African Americans moved north in the mid-1800s to escape slavery and unsafe living conditions in the South. Detroit was an important location where Conductors on the Underground Railroad helped thousands to cross the Detroit River into Canada. In...
Building a caring and inclusive classroom begins with an understanding of where students are at not just academically, but emotionally. Many students today have been exposed to experiences that affect their ability to regulate their emotions. By teaching children positive behavior...
Young people investigate the problems caused by plastic shopping bags, then propose solutions to address the problems. This lesson prompts teams to design a reusable shopping tote out of an old T-shirt using engineering, problem-solving, creativity, and communication. They take action...
This lesson focuses on the meaning and benefits of gratitude. A book about a gratitude jar challenges us to brainstorm things they are grateful for right now. For their service project, participants 'deliver gratitude' to others in the school community by saying "thank you" and...