This experiential lesson involves building the garden and inviting people to enjoy and participate.
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Unit: Building a Community Garden Santuary
Unit: My Water, Our Water
Participants discuss the attributes and benefits of local water resources and ecosystems. They identify the interrelatedness of humans and the environment in the book A River Ran Wild, and discuss how the way we treat the water impacts our lives.
Unit: Philanthropy—A Day at the Beach
With guidance from a local environmental agency, prepare the youth in advance of volunteering their time to clean up a lake or river for the common good. Arrange a field trip that includes picking up trash and recording the data.
Unit: Grow Involved 3-5
Children get inspiration from a story about kindness and community, and they identify acts of service and kindness (philanthropy) they can do for people they care about.
Unit: Environment: Sustaining Our World
Children participate in a trash clean-up and analyze the issue of pollution caused by trash, especially plastics. They discuss who should be responsible for preventing or cleaning up pollution - government, business, charitable organizations, and/or individuals.
Unit: One Person's Trash
The learners identify a common area where trash accumulates and plan a clean-up project.
Unit: Watershed S.O.S.
The purpose of the lesson is to educate learners about watersheds, ways in which water pollution occurs, and how important proper use of watersheds is to them. After understanding the importance of the watersheds, they will recognize that wise usage of their local watershed is an example...
Unit: You Light up My Life
By comparing lightbulbs, young people learn about technology, energy conservation, and personal responsibility. Their personal choices can impact family energy costs and reduce the amount of energy consumed for the common good.
Unit: The Joy of a Garden (3rd Grade)
The picture book, The Gardener, tells the story of a girl who makes a difference for the community and people around her by sharing her love for plants. The children may share their own personal interests to bring joy to others.
Unit: Beneficial Bees
Students learn about the roles of bees in a colony and discuss how that relates to people in community. Bees have an important role in nature as pollinators, but their population numbers have been declining in recent years. Students write a letter or create a flyer to teach others how to help...