Through the voices of an immigrant and refugee, youth gain empathy and understanding of the experience of leaving your home for a new place.
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Unit: Cultural Competence
Unit: Hands On Philanthropy: A High School Course at Kentucky Country Day School
This lesson briefly explains the process a group goes through as they deliberate and decide upon which applicant organizations will receive grant awards.
Unit: Women of the Industrial Era
We learn about Elizabeth Cady Stanton and her leadership of the woman's suffrage movement. At the time it was hard for some people to see that women deserved equality or that change was possible, but her persistence and organization techniques helped raise awareness and involvement....
Unit: Philanthropy and Children Who Are Homeless
Students select an issue area and research on the Internet, specifically the Learning to Give briefing papers to identify philanthropists and philanthropic organizations who have an interest in addressing that issue. Using the information gained from research, students write a...
Unit: Generosity of Spirit Folktales
Native Americans, or Indigenous People, are located geographically across the entire continent of North America. There are many stereotypes of native culture, but their culture varies as much as their locations, as each group of native peoples have their own traditions. This lesson focuses on...
Unit: Community Connections
The identification of the services provided by for-profit, nonprofit and governmental organizations and the drawing of community map that not only identifies the various services provided by these community organizations but also maps areas of need in the community form the intent of this lesson...
Unit: Community Health and Safety
Participants gain exposure to how citizens organize in response to a need. They observe the benefits of group cooperation. They review data they have collected from surveys and work in collaborative groups to identify focus areas for the service-learning project.
Unit: Respecting the Environment (Private-Religious)
This lesson will teach the basic Biblical laws of Tza’ar Ba’alei Chaim (the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) the rationale that supports these laws, and practical applications of these laws in today’s world. The learner will participate in a class project aimed to assist community...
Unit: Grow Involved 3-5
Children listen and respond to a biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They discuss the importance of kind acts and service to others. They reflect on a quotation by Dr. King and apply it to their own lives.
Unit: Investing In Others
Learners discuss the word homeless and how it is used in a sentence (as adjective and noun). After reading an article about homelessness by Anna Quindlen, they discuss a respectful way to use the language that describes a group of people who are vulnerable...