The participants will distinguish the difference between wants and needs and learn that many times refugees are without basic needs. They respond to a story about a refugee camp, “Four Feet, Two Sandals” and come to a consensus on a service project to benefit refugees or others in need, and plan...
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Unit: Refugees: Finding a Place
Unit: Friends Helping Friends to Prevent Bullying
Learners define bullying and describe what bullying behavior looks and feels like. In contrast, they experience the feelings of being helpful and nice to peers when they need it.
Unit: Lights! Camera! Take Action!
Young people view and discuss the film The Gift of All: a Community of Givers and identify the influences and attributes of the generous people interviewed. They read biographies of generous people and make a...
Unit: Disaster Relief
Learners research a natural disaster and examples of aid to help the affected populations. They learn the roles of the four sectors in responding to the needs. They participate in a collection campaign or other service project and learn about...
Unit: From Struggle to Success
Students edit their memoir drafts, adding dialogue and figurative language in this guided writing session. This lesson will help students realize that struggles they experience in their lives often lead to a new understanding or lesson learned. Students will reflect on how their experience...
Students learn from examples of people who have experienced a struggle and used surrounding resources to make something better for themselves and the people around them. Examples of "servant leadership" are taken from the Our State of Generosity...