Through exploration, we see how six simple machines do their jobs together to get work done. Just as each machine is unique and valuable to the whole, so is each person unique and valuable to our group, to nature, and to the world. We see the value of deliberately respecting others and...
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Unit: You Are Uniquely You
Unit: Tolerance (Private-Religious)
The learners will review the tolerance skills/characteristics necessary to discern and promote tolerance. They will also identify situations that call for tolerance in their daily lives.
Unit: The Power of Children
Students form groups, sign group agreements, delegate tasks, and begin forming their service-learing project proposal. The teacher provides mini-lessons to individuals, as needed, who bring information back to groups on presentation skills, budgeting, and service-learning...
Unit: Pitch In Philanthropic Puppet Project
Young people explore what it means to be an environmentalist. They work in small groups to research the facts and possible solultions related to an environmental issue. The ultimate goal of the unit is to empower young people to share their knowledge (talent) and make others aware of...
Unit: Deliver Gratitude Day
This lesson focuses on the meaning and benefits of gratitude. Teens research one aspect of gratitude in order to understand its relationship to health, happiness, or generosity. For their service project, they decide how they can 'deliver gratitude' to a deserving person or group. They will then...
Unit: Nonprofits in Our World and Community (3-5)
Students will distinguish the nonprofit sector from the for-profit sector.
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
Community members share stories of experiences in philanthropy.
Author: Urban EdVenture Faculty
We work on communication and listening skills while designing and building simple objects. This helps us think about the power of words and how difficult it can be to get a message across to another person without it being lost in translation.
Author: Urban EdVenture Faculty
Unit: Global Health: Food Around the World
Youth discuss and examine ways to influence healthy food choices related to their interests and understanding. They brainstorm service projects and use a decision-making model to choose a project. They implement their service project and reflect on their action.
Unit: Women of the Industrial Era
Sojourner Truth's contributions to abolitionism and women's suffrage are revealed through her own words. She worked tirelessly to aid the freed men after the Civil War and brought increased recognition to their plight. We discuss the right of all voices to be heard in a democracy and...