Introduce the philanthropic behavior of Native Americans through the speech attributed to Chief Seattle, using the book Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: The Words of Chief Seattle.
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Unit: Early American Influences
Unit: Nonprofits in Our World and Community (3-5)
Students will distinguish the nonprofit sector from the for-profit sector.
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (9-12)
Unit: Voting and the Common Good (10th Grade)
Learners examine the statistics of voter turnout in the Federal Elections and from these statistics the learners draw some comparative conclusions.
Unit: Character Education: Honesty (Grade 8)
In this lesson, learners discuss different types of lies and rate them in their severity and damage to others.
Unit: Our Land
Introduce the folksinger, Woody Guthrie, and his legendary song This Land Is Your Land. Talk about ways we are generous for the good of others. This can be by lifting someone's spirits or taking care of the land we all share.
Unit: Character Education: Fairness (Grade 6)
Learners recognize that we all have biases, but we aren't always aware of them, which can create an unfair situation. Since people have different experiences, we all develop different biases.
Unit: Friends Helping Friends to Prevent Bullying
Learners define bullying and describe what bullying behavior looks and feels like. In contrast, they experience the feelings of being helpful and nice to peers when they need it.
Unit: Three Chinese Stories
Based on the book The Runaway Rice Cake, the group writes a familiar story from a different perspective. The moral of the story is that when the character gives generously and from the heart, the giver is also rewarded in some way.
Unit: Philanthropy and You
Conducting research about activists from different cultures helps youth recognize Human Rights and the relationship to philanthropic values.