Native Americans, or Indigenous People, are located geographically across the entire continent of North America. There are many stereotypes of native culture, but their culture varies as much as their locations, as each group of native peoples have their own traditions. This lesson focuses on...
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Philanthropy in American Indian and Alaskan Native cultures is not a new phenomenon—there is a long and rich history of indigenous giving traditions, and today there is a growing nonprofit sector devoted to social justice and development of Native communities in the United States. This paper examines overarching themes of Native American philanthropy (there are over 500 registered tribal nations in the continental US, and all celebrate their own giving and receiving rituals and traditions specific to their own communities), how the practice of Native American philanthropy has changed over time, and what the nonprofit sector within tribal communities looks like today. Additionally, this lesson will offer specific examples of youth-centric philanthropy and its focus on preserving Native culture for future generations.
In this lesson we learn the history of the Indigenous people who lived in our specific area. We learn that language matters, and there is a respectful way to talk about the heritage of a person who was first to live in an area.
The purpose of this lesson is to examine the tradition of giving and sharing in Indigenous communities and to learn about philanthropy in other cultures.
Introduce the philanthropic behavior of Native Americans through the speech attributed to Chief Seattle, using the book Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: The Words of Chief Seattle.
In this lesson, the children compares a Native American version of the Cinderella story with other versions.
Through analyzing a Ted Talk by Robin Wall Kimmerer, participants develop their understanding of what it means to respond with gratitude to the gifts from the Earth. Participants expand their awareness of the interdependent relationship between humans and nature. Kimmerer motivates and...
Biographical Highlights
Carole Lindstrom’s book “We are Water Protectors” conveys a powerful message about the interconnectedness of all living things.