Yes, I will #Teach1


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Tell our Learning to Give community what you taught on November 29.

What lesson(s) did you use? How many students were involved? What activities did you employ? Are you continuing your lesson into service-learing? What was your biggest takeaway? 

How did your students respond? What did your students have to say about the word "philanthropy" and the giving of time, talent, or treasure after your lesson? 



I used parts of the "Constitutional Connection," and I invited a local Judge from our community into the classroom. The Judge shared an imaginary case file that dealt with a language barrier issue. The main point of the discussion was about how access to justice is a fundamental right, ensuring that all people understand what is being said and happening in a courtroom. The students enjoyed the opportunity to meet a local judge and have shared their experiences with the courtroom/law.

I used the "Working Together Works" lesson today. Students chose a local non-profit organization to research about and find out their needs. Some of the organizations include, Africa's Child Thrift Store, Health Net of West Michigan, Michigan Nature Association, and Carol's Ferals. Then students started writing public service announcements to promote the various organizations' needs. So many of the students are inspired to go beyond the PSA and help in some additional way. Central Middle School students have BIG hearts!

Today’s lesson leads into our sixth grade service learning project at Build-A-Bear tomorrow. Students have been writing bear stories about good character and fundraising to build bears for local organizations for children in need. Half of the sixth grade (about 125) students will go to the mall tomorrow while the other half will go Thursday. Today, I presented two lessons, What Is Philanthropy? A Call to Action and Blue Sky Envisioning Activity. After discussing the terms philanthropy, community, and common good, we discussed how what we were doing tomorrow fits with the idea of giving and serving where there is need. Since I didn’t have computer access for the students or the book that was listed, I read a story from Real Kids, Real Stories, Real Change: Courageous Actions Around the World by Garth Sundem. I gave each student a blue piece of paper. On one side of the paper, the students listed our local community’s needs/problems and then shared one issue with the whole class. Then they added what our “ideal” community would look like in five years. Each student looked at their list and choose one topic. On the other side of the paper, they started to create a picture or poem/song with illustrations about the topic they chose. Before our field trip tomorrow, students will work on their blue paper activity. Blue sky papers will be displayed in the room. After our field trip tomorrow, the students will reflect on their trip by writing a narrative piece from one of two perspectives (receiving the bear with the story or watching a child open their bear and reading the story). Once we share both assignments, the class will begin to discuss and research our next service learning project.

In celebration of Giving Tuesday and TeachOne, Miss Lisa's GSRP classroom at Inland Lakes Elementary School in Michigan spent the day talking about giving and being nice. Students thought about a friend who did something nice or GAVE them something. They were given white boards, paper, and envelopes to make their thank you notes and then secretly put them into their friends' backpacks! Miss Lisa's classroom also made up a "GIVE cheer"- Give me a "G", Give me an "I", etc... what does its spell? what does is it mean? The students loved it!