With guidance from a local environmental agency, prepare the youth in advance of volunteering their time to clean up a lake or river for the common good. Arrange a field trip that includes picking up trash and recording the data. 

Giving homemade blankets to help people who are homeless or young people in the hospital is a form of philanthropy (giving treasure). What is the best way to donate? Using a decision-making model, the young people compare blanket projects and determine whether they have the time, talent, and treasure to help fill a need. They determine what their opportunity cost will be to participate in the project. Finally they will vote for the project of their choice.

When the site is selected, they make a final plan for what plants to put into the garden based on soil, location, and availability. They make a plan to seek donations of plants or funds for their garden.

Young people demonstrate that differences can be discussed and worked through kindly and playfully. When we disagree, curiosity and creativity can help us talk openly. Conflict isn't comfortable, but we have the curiosity and skills to get through. 
