Definitions of Philanthropy

Participants explore Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s thoughts about serving and taking action. They give examples of service and social action by one person that can change the world.

Young people will compare and contrast the philosophies and work of Dr. King and Gandhi. They will determine a service they can provide to promote peace and nonviolence.

Children get inspiration from a story about kindness and community, and they identify acts of service and kindness (philanthropy) they can do for people they care about.

Children listen and respond to a biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They discuss the importance of kind acts and service to others. They reflect on a quotation by Dr. King and apply it to their own lives.

Children listen to and respond to stories about the value of a home and the difficulties of not having a home. They make painted rocks or other comfort items and give them to a friend or donate them to a local shelter.

Children learn about caring and sharing through discussion of the book Martin's Big Words. The lesson introduces the "big" word philanthropy (giving time, talent, and treasure for the common good). 
