Philanthropy and Civil Society

From history we know that working in community (not on our own) is the best way to make change. Young people explore the work of nonprofits related to equity and social justice. 

Learners will sponsor Mix It Up Day, a national project to promote diversity within a school environment. Learners will experience roles as private citizens attempting to change behavior.

This lesson describes a psychological awareness of the connection between racism and self-betrayal and self-deception. When we recognize that going against our best judgment leads to self-betrayal, it can help us act with integrity in many situations.

Through two readings, we learn about racist attitudes and practices in the transportation systems that were supported by Jim Crow laws in the 1940s South. When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, it was a final stand after years of injustice and continuous acts of protest. We learn how her social action was part of combined efforts and ultimately changed public transportation laws.

Sojourner Truth's contributions to abolitionism and women's suffrage are revealed through her own words. She worked tirelessly to aid the freed men after the Civil War and brought increased recognition to their plight. We discuss the right of all voices to be heard in a democracy and determine how Sojourner Truth's work was philanthropic.
