In this lesson, students define serial reciprocity as "paying it forward." They compare the concept of paying it forward (serial reciprocity) with the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They brainstorm issues and campaigns they can address to make an impact that ripples forward as a result of...
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Unit: Grow Involved 9-12
Unit: Civil War Philanthropy
We learn about the brave work of a Quaker, Laura Smith Haviland, who used her ties and talent to lead anti-slavery work before, during, and after the Civil War.
Unit: Helping Children Learn
Learners increase their reading fluency and awareness of philanthropy by reading to younger children.
Unit: Quiet Contamination of Our Waters
Youth learn about the toxic ingredients in personal care products and take action to protect local waterways from the effects of the chemicals.
Unit: Advise and Consent
Now familiar with how a community foundation serves the community, the learners form a Youth Advisory Committee and use parliamentary procedure to conduct business.
Unit: Building a Community Garden Santuary
When the site is selected, they make a final plan for what plants to put into the garden based on soil, location, and availability. They make a plan to seek donations of plants or funds for their garden.
Unit: Community Connections
The identification of the services provided by for-profit, nonprofit and governmental organizations and the drawing of community map that not only identifies the various services provided by these community organizations but also maps areas of need in the community form the intent of this lesson...
Unit: Power and Potential to Make a Difference
Young people are making a difference for the issues they care about in big and small ways every day. Learners read stories of young people who are taking action through philanthropy and discuss the attributes of youth philanthropists. They reflect on their own power and potential to make a...
Unit: My Country, My Community
While reviewing the expectations for immigrants to become citizens, young people learn about their own rights and civic responsibility. They learn that freedom isn't free. It was purchased by service and requires continued responsibility of citizens to uphold the rights and expectations of the...
Unit: Courage of the Heart
Young people use their voice to speak up for injustice and take action for the common good.