Learners discuss the word homeless and how it is used in a sentence (as adjective and noun). After reading an article about homelessness by Anna Quindlen, they discuss a respectful way to use the language that describes a group of people who are vulnerable...
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Unit: Investing In Others
Unit: You Are Uniquely You
In response to a picture book, each participant identifies their own unique qualities and shares them proudly on a star. They demonstrate respect and trust to share their qualities and pay attention to others' traits.
Unit: Civic Virtue in Modern American Democracy
As a group we define good citizenship, including the classic Roman concept of civic virtue (putting the common good above individual need).
Unit: Watershed S.O.S.
Through observation of the water cycle, we discuss the importance of water as a nonrenewable resource. Why is being a good steward of this resource an example of acting for the Common Good?
In this lesson, participants join a playful group called Poseidon's Protectors who are sworn to protect the watershed and oceans. They write a letter to Poseidon telling about their 3-part plan to protect.
Unit: The Joy of a Garden (3rd Grade)
The picture book, The Gardener, tells the story of a girl who makes a difference for the community and people around her by sharing her love for plants. The children may share their own personal interests to bring joy to others.
Unit: Character Education: Honesty (Grade 7)
Learners role-play familiar scenarios in ways that follow the rules and support straightforward communication and also in ways that do not support honesty. They discuss the value of rules or expectations for promoting the common good.
Unit: Early American Influences
We look at the Society of Friends/Quakers and describe how this group promoted the common good. The Quakers pushed for religious freedom and freedom of choice, which are Core Democratic Values. As a group, they formed organizations to promote social change in the areas of slavery,...
Unit: Global Peace and Local Legacies
Young people read or watch the stories of individuals (motivations, background, values) who have received the Nobel Peace Prize and analyze the importance of their actions for the common good.
Unit: Intergenerational Writing Project
Youth develop an understanding of the value of a service learning project as they realize their responsibility to contribute to the community in positive ways.