Students define and give examples of government philanthropy. They compare and contrast the four economic sectors. Small groups research a historical example of government philanthropy or civic action and write a persuasive piece to advocate for an issue related to government philanthropy.
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Unit: George H.W. Bush and Points of Light
Unit: Generosity of Spirit Folktales
When times are hard, it is sometimes difficult to remember that the things that count are not material, and the people who make a difference in our lives are the ones we often take for granted. We read five Jewish folktales that reveal gifts of generosity in everyday events of life. Through...
All cultures have practices and customs regarding hospitality, or how we treat guests. In these folktales, we learn about different expectations and degrees of these customs and how travelers test the limits of hospitality and feel the effects of their host's generosity.
Wealth may be measured in something other than money. We may feel wealthy if we have a loving family or good health. Community wealth may be in relationships, respectful leaders, and good places to visit.
Native Americans, or Indigenous People, are located geographically across the entire continent of North America. There are many stereotypes of native culture, but their culture varies as much as their locations, as each group of native peoples have their own traditions. This lesson focuses on...
Unit: Our Unique Legacy of Giving
This beautiful documentary The Gift of All: a Community of Givers shares the motivations and attributes of the generous people interviewed. In response, the learners create their own short biographies of philanthropists in their community.
Unit: TeachOne Back to School
Youth reflect on the value of art in communicating feelings and culture, while taking part in service to the community. They teach an art lesson to young children to encourage self-expression. They plan an environmental service project that puts crayons in the hands of young children. The youth...
Unit: TeachOne: Coming Together for Environmental Action
The learners explore the building grounds or neighborhood, looking for places that need extra attention and stewardship. When they find a spot to care for, they must find out who the stakeholders are and interview them. Listening to different perspectives before making a plan of action shows...
Unit: Disaster Relief
Learners research a natural disaster and examples of aid to help the affected populations. They learn the roles of the four sectors in responding to the needs. They participate in a collection campaign or other service project and learn about...
Unit: Kwanzaa: Unity Within Community
Learners develop an understanding of the seven principles of Kwanzaa through artistic applications. They are challenged to apply the principles to their everyday lives in a way that enhances the communities to which they belong.