Students explore the roles of bees in a hive and as pollinators. They learn about reasons their population numbers have been declining in recent years. The design a project to help beautify their school and help the larger environment by attracting bees. They may write a letter or create a...
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Unit: Beneficial Bees
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
To have students partner with a nonprofit organization to design and complete a service-learning project for that organization.
In the third trimester of the Urban EdVenture course, students begin work on the final project in collaboration with their homeroom teachers. Each...
To have students go through an experience that mimics the multiple steps and importance of clear communication between parties necessary in planning and carrying out a service learning project.
Our classes do “The Beast” game as we prepare for our grade-wide service...
Unit: Nonprofits are Necessary (6-8)
Students will recognize different job opportunities available in the nonprofit sector and identify people in the community who have positions in nonprofit organizations.
Unit: Soup's On in Our Community
Based on the recommendations of the soup kitchen guest from lesson one, young people decide how they will take action to help address a need. They may donate canned food, volunteer to serve lunch, bring games to play with children at the soup kitchen, or make bowls to sell as a fundraiser. This...
Unit: Poetry of Giving
The students will use their knowledge of philanthropy and poetic conventions to write original poetry about philanthropic giving.
Unit: Building a Community Garden Santuary
Participants define what they want to accomplish for the community garden and identify a place that is available and has the right conditions. This requires research and permissions.
Unit: Heroes and Their Impact
Jackie Robinson is a baseball player whose perseverance and strength changed racist attitudes and laws. Participants reflect on Mr. Robinson's actions and make connections to personal actions and to the people they admire today.
Unit: Philanthropy and You
Conducting research about activists from different cultures helps youth recognize Human Rights and the relationship to philanthropic values.
Unit: Community Philanthropy
Young people learn about the contributions made by Benjamin Franklin to the common good. They categorize his accomplishments in the nonprofit, business, and government sectors. They select a quote from Franklin that they would like to apply to their own lives.