Our tradition of caring and sharing for one another has its roots in the creation of humanity b’tzelem elohim, (in the Divine image). That concept is explained in concrete terms by Maimonides (Rabbi Moses ben Maimon) and helps form an ethical imperative that sanctifies our everyday...
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Unit: We Are Divine Creations (Tolerance) (Private-Religious)
Unit: Exploring the Timeline of US Philanthropy
In this lesson, the learners tell stories of two events in history: a current event from their own point of view and an earlier significant event shared by an older friend or relative. They compare and evaluate how philanthropy responded to each event as well as how they each disrupted...
Unit: Encouraging Community Engagement
Young people learn about the variety of ways citizens can become active participants in the community: political parties, interest groups, voting, and providing public service.
Unit: Philanthropy and Children Who Are Homeless
The purpose of the lesson is to create an awareness of local agencies that provide services for needy people, teens, and families in the community. Students will also learn the motivations for giving and see how help is provided to the community through the four sectors of the economy. Students...
Unit: What Is a Youth Advisory Committee?
Read and compare a variety of literature to explore motivations and impact of young people taking action and helping others. We recognize that we all have time, treasures and/or talents to share.
Unit: Repairing the World (Private-Religious)
This lesson emphasizes the importance of "V’ahavta Lereacha Kamocha – Love Your Friend as Yourself." Children discuss the importance of helping others and will have the opportunity to have firsthand experience in this aspect of tikkun olam.
Unit: Cultural Competence
Our communities may have people from many cultures and there may be many different languages spoken. Sparked by a playful video of kids teaching other kids their languages, we explore the languages represented in our communities.
Unit: Those Who Care
The purpose of this lesson is to identify what it means to be a true hero. The learners will explore character traits of heroes and apply this information to understand why individuals, or organizations might be considered heroes for animal welfare and humane...
Unit: Roots of Philanthropy (Elementary)
Youth Activity: Participants will discover that sharing and trust are important parts of philanthropic action. See the handout for supplemental faith-based discussion questions.
“The point is not to pay back kindness but to pass it on.” ~Julia Alvaraz
Unit: Advocacy-Getting the Job Done
In this lesson young people learn about the tools of advocacy for the common good. They investigate the characteristics of advocates and develop their own personal advocacy style.