The learners explore folktales related to forgiveness. They investigate how compassion is interrelated with forgiveness, and describe challenges to real forgiveness.
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Unit: Generosity of Spirit Folktales
As demonstrated in these folktales, even the smallest things, when shared, can be examples of philanthropy.
Native Americans, or Indigenous People, are located geographically across the entire continent of North America. There are many stereotypes of native culture, but their culture varies as much as their locations, as each group of native peoples have their own traditions. This lesson focuses on...
Unit: Sowing the Seeds of Community
The youth read the book Seedfolks and discuss the diverse characters and their individual contributions to a community garden. While learning about the thirteen individuals in the story, they identify their character, heritage, motivations, and contributions to nourishing...
Unit: Bully-Free Zone
In this lesson, learners identify bullying behavior using two literature books, Mr. Lincoln's Way and The Secret Bully. They compare and contrast two examples of bullying behavior portrayed in the books and create a peer/staff/family survey to...
The learners reflect on a literature book written from the viewpoint of someone who used to bully others, Confessions of a Former Bully. They analyze the data collected from their survey to determine how bullying behavior affects their school. They learn that addressing...
Unit: Giving to Others (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
This lesson will teach Maimonides’ (Rambam’s) Eight Levels of Charity as quoted in the Mishneh Torah, his book of Jewish laws and concepts. The learner will understand the Eight Levels of Charity, the reasons behind the hierarchy, and how these levels apply to today’s...
Unit: Doodle Stones
Learners use words to communicate positively and build community. A service project involves writing positive messages on stones and placing them strategically to uplift and beautify.
Unit: Our Constitutional Connection
Literature and primary documents help youth understand the role of the Constitution for the United States. They overview the three branches of government described in the first three articles and learn that government officials are serving with their time and talent for the common good. With the...
Unit: Opening Our Hearts and Hands to Others (Tzedakah)
In this lesson, the students are empowered to explore charities related to their own interests and make an impact of their own. Students research different charitable organizations and choose one to represent in a creative way at a tzedakah fair. The students invite family and community...