Fables teach lessons or morals through animal actions. The exaggerated human-like characteristics of animals make the moral lesson appealing. The story of the "Lion and the Mouse" illustrates that a kind deed is never wasted.
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Unit: Philanthropic Literature
Unit: What Goes Around, Comes Around!
Artists contribute to the common good by sharing their talents. The nonprofit sector supports artists with funding, museums, and attention or education. We learn how artists' work is supported by philanthropy and nonproft organizations that assure we have access to art. Young...
Unit: Traditions
Participants use langauge and art to illustrate the vocabulary of philanthropy and the importance of the tradition of philanthropy to the community.
Unit: Living in a Community: Intro. to Philanthropy
The children learn that even young people can be philanthropists. Philanthropy is giving time, talent, treasure for the good of the community.
Unit: Philanthropic Behavior
Young people envision what they would like their shared space or classroom to look like, feel like, and sound like in order for it to be a safe, fair, and fun learning environment. They come to a consensus about what behaviors lead to this goal.
Unit: Character Education: Perseverance (Grade 8)
Perseverance involves breaking down a task into small parts and seeing it through, even if it is difficult. In this lesson, groups plan a service project, including what is needed, how to overcome barriers, and a timeline.
Unit: Our Land
Motivated by the song "This Land is Your Land," learners locate areas on a U.S. map and discuss the definitions of community, philanthropy, and volunteer. They picture themselves as volunteers, helping others.
Unit: Do Not Stand Idly By (Private-Religious)
A concept known in Hebrew as tikkun olam practices the idea that everyone must play a role in perfecting the world. Modeling the concept of tikkun olam as a collaborative effort helps youth understand that they can shape their surroundings.
Unit: Our Land
Introduce the folksinger Woody Guthrie and his legendary song This Land Is Your Land. His songs were written for everyone to get involved in their community. Learners understand that it is the responsibility of everyone to help take care of each other and the Earth.
Unit: What Is a Youth Advisory Committee?
Read and compare a variety of literature to explore motivations and impact of young people taking action and helping others. We recognize that we all have time, treasures and/or talents to share.