Students learn about the roles of bees in a colony and discuss how that relates to people in community. Bees have an important role in nature as pollinators, but their population numbers have been declining in recent years. Students write a letter or create a flyer to teach others how to help...
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Unit: Beneficial Bees
Students learn about the role of bees as pollinators and learn about reasons their population numbers have been declining in recent years. They write a letter or create a handout to teach others how to help bees through planting native species.
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (6-8)
Students analyze survey results, choose a community health need, and design a service project to address it.
Unit: Roots of Philanthropy (Elementary)
Youth Activity: Participants discover how their time can equal dollars to help their community. See the handout for supplemental faith-based discussion questions.
“My call tonight is for every American to commit at least two years, or 4,000 hours, over the rest of your lifetime...
Unit: Bullying Prevention Plan
The learners define bullying and describe the impact on victims, bystanders, and the whole community. We explore how bullying behavior can be a civil rights issue when it makes school a place that isn't fair and safe for all. They create a survey and poll members of their school and...
Unit: TeachOne for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Learners use visual literacy skills to analyze the components and message of an image. They listen carefully and seek to understand the different opinions and perspectives of their peers. They identify issues that are meaningful to them and create a simple image and text to communicate a...
Unit: Community Philanthropy
We define civic virtue and give examples of ways to exhibit civic virtue for the common good.
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
To work together, see the big picture, and think about the connection between individuals in the group as students participate in the activity.
Author: Urban EdVenture Faculty
Unit: Growing Our Future
In response to reading The Lorax, participants identify what trees give to us and all sectors of society. In response, we identify our personal responsibility for caring for trees.
Unit: Save a Drop For Me
Clean water is a scarce natural resource because pollution and careless action can make it unusable for consumers. Learners research reliable facts about their local water and propose philanthropic acts to contribute to the common good.