Young people convince others to take care of the beach or protect the Earth. They write an essay or make an advocacy poster.
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Unit: Philanthropy—A Day at the Beach
Unit: Hands On Philanthropy: A High School Course at Kentucky Country Day School
To introduce students to fundraising and to guide them as they raise funds that will be used by the class for grantmaking to selected organizations
Unit: Nonprofits in Our World and Community (3-5)
Unit: Dear Philanthropist
Based on researched information, participants write a bio-poem about a philanthropist.
Unit: Character Education: Honesty (Grade 8)
In this lesson, learners discuss different types of lies and rate them in their severity and damage to others.
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
We work on communication and listening skills while designing and building simple objects. This helps us think about the power of words and how difficult it can be to get a message across to another person without it being lost in translation.
Author: Urban EdVenture Faculty
Unit: Global Education: Equity
A cooperative game demonstrates that we are all connected and that others are affected by things that we may believe only affect us. They read about and discuss gender inequality in global schools and explore what policies and measures are in place for achieving universal primary education for...
Unit: Disaster Relief - You Can Count On Me! (3-5)
This lesson introduces learners to taking personal action to respond to a crisis or disaster. They learn vocabulary terms spend, save, and donate, as well as the definition of philanthropy (giving time, talent, and treasure, and taking action for the common good).
Unit: Grow Involved 6-8
Young people learn about environmental stewardship and its importance to all people. They carry out a service project that demonstrates environmental stewardship.
Unit: Gi-VING Treasure through a Video Project
Students have the opportunity to create a brief video as an application to award someone they admire $1,000 as a needed boost. This lesson guides discussion of why and how to take action for the good of someone in the community. A lesson in mini-grantmaking with a powerful impact on...