Youth Activity; Students read about the philanthropy of Madam C.J. Walker, David Robinson, and Jason Crowe, and they begin to tell their own story.
"I do what I do for a simple reason, really; I like to help people." - middle school student
Youth Activity; Students read about the philanthropy of Madam C.J. Walker, David Robinson, and Jason Crowe, and they begin to tell their own story.
"I do what I do for a simple reason, really; I like to help people." - middle school student
Students design a plan to make themselves and their school community healthier. They brainstorm what it means to get moving and exercise, and they see that increasing physical fitness activity is good for everyone and brings a community together. Students will choose or design a service project...
In this episode of the Kids Are Philanthropists too! podcast, kids and adults talk about some physical health challenges and how they affect their daily life and feelings. Listen to hear their perspectives and get some new ideas for how to support friends and loved ones dealing with...
Young people view and discuss the film The Gift of All: a Community of Givers and identify the influences and attributes of the generous people interviewed. They read biographies of generous people and make a...
In this session, we learn about the sectors of civil society sector - business, government, and nonprofit. Youth watch the second half of the documentary The Gift of All and talk about the issues in West Michigan and the motivations of the philanthropists who made a major difference in...
The Free Breakfast for Children Program of the 1960s exemplified mutual aid and differed from traditional charity while still being a form of philanthropy. We discover and learn how the people of a community most affected by issues, including young people, are sometimes the most able to...
This lesson raises awareness of water quality and responsible management of water resources around the world. We explore the issue of safe water and the responsibilities of a global citizen to assure all people have safe drinking water.
We learn about the brave work of a Quaker, Laura Smith Haviland, who used her ties and talent to lead anti-slavery work before, during, and after the Civil War.
Students follow the example of philanthropists who impacted their community by cooperating rather than competing. Students identify their own giving passions and cooperate with each other and a community organization to plan a project. Examples of "cooperative philanthropists" are taken from the...
Groups analyze and define the concept of community. They identify the benefits and sacrifices involved in actions for the common good in their role as citizens.