The purpose of this lesson is to have the children identify the value of the gifts in the folktale "The Drum." They brainstorm gifts they have to give (time, talent, and treasure) and the value these gifts may have to others.
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Unit: Drumming from the Heart
Unit: Character Education: Perseverance (Grade 6)
Learners brainstorm a variety of short-term and long-term goals and discuss the logistics of carrying out the goals. They brainstorm needed resources and how they can persevere in reaching one or more of the goals.
Unit: Opening Our Hearts and Hands to Others (Tzedakah)
Using texts and experiential learning experiences, this lesson emphasizes the reasons why giving tzedakah, or charity, is a fundamental concept in Judaism.
Unit: Surviving Auschwitz (9-12)
This lesson focuses on two young Jewish survivors of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Nazi death camp. As they return to their home town and the concentration camp, they each tell their story and explain why they were willing to return to such an...
Unit: Deliver Gratitude Day
This lesson focuses on the meaning and benefits of gratitude. Teens research one aspect of gratitude in order to understand its relationship to health, happiness, or generosity. For their service project, they decide how they can 'deliver gratitude' to a deserving person or group. They will then...
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
Community members share stories of experiences in philanthropy.
Author: Urban EdVenture Faculty
Unit: Global Health: Food Around the World
Youth discuss and examine ways to influence healthy food choices related to their interests and understanding. They brainstorm service projects and use a decision-making model to choose a project. They implement their service project and reflect on their action.
Unit: Giving to Others (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
The purpose of this lesson is to teach learners how to give charity, to whom one should give charity, and to what extent/amount of charity is to be given. The lesson follows the examples and teachings of Maimonides (the Rambam) as well as interpretations and extensions of ancient Biblical laws...
Unit: TeachOne Back to School
Learners research the environmental effect of crayons and their own power to make an impact. They collect gently used crayons from restaurants and other places in the community. They sort them by color, repackage them for re-use, add a kind note, and donate the new packages where they...
Youth reflect on the value of art in communicating feelings and culture, while taking part in service to the community. They teach an art lesson to young children to encourage self-expression. They plan an environmental service project that puts crayons in the hands of young children. The youth...