Through discussion of the book The Seven Chinese Brothers, learners recognize that using our talents and working together to help others has benefits greater than the opportunity cost (what we gave up to take generous action).
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Unit: Three Chinese Stories
Based on the book The Runaway Rice Cake, the group writes a familiar story from a different perspective. The moral of the story is that when the character gives generously and from the heart, the giver is also rewarded in some way.
Unit: Sowing the Seeds of Community
The youth read the book Seedfolks and discuss the diverse characters and their individual contributions to a community garden. While learning about the thirteen individuals in the story, they identify their character, heritage, motivations, and contributions to nourishing...
Unit: Sacred Giving (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
Learners will develop an understanding of the differences between the secular concepts of charity and philanthropy and the Jewish concept of tzedakah.
Unit: Nonprofits are Necessary (6-8)
The purpose of this lesson is to have students recognize the idea of an emerging democracy, analyze the struggles of the people, and decide on a way to help the people.
Unit: Cultural Competence
The key to cultural competence is learning about cultures around the world. The book Children Like Me sparks curiosity about different cultures. Youth make a simple keychain to represent the different cultures they can learn about with the key that helps them open doors....
Unit: Our Land
Introduce the folksinger, Woody Guthrie, and his legendary song This Land Is Your Land. Talk about ways we are generous for the good of others. This can be by lifting someone's spirits or taking care of the land we all share.
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
Many people have a difficult time distinguishing between acts of kindness and acts of philanthropy. Using the definition of philanthropy from the “Defining Philanthropy” lesson, youth will examine various situations and decide which ones are acts of philanthropy. They may discover...
Unit: Technology and Community Service Course at the Pingry School
Students use standard software as they develop, research, and present a project related to community nonprofits.
Unit: Early American Influences
Introduce the philanthropic behavior of Native Americans through the speech attributed to Chief Seattle, using the book Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: The Words of Chief Seattle.